Curriculum of Class 12 Computer Science

National Examinations Board Grade 12 Curriculum

Unit Contents

Database Management System (DBMS) (12 Hours)

  1. Introduction to data, database, Database system, DBMS
  2. Field, Record, Objects, Primary Key, Alternate key, Candidate key
  3. Advantages of using DBMS
  4. DDL (Data Definition Language) and DML (Data Manipulation Language)
  5. Database Model: Network Model, Hierarchical Model, Relational database model
  6. Concept of Normalization: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF
  7. Centralized Vs. Distributed Database
  8. Database Security

Data Communication and Networking (15 Hours)

  1. Basic elements of Communication System
  2. Concept of Communication System
  3. Block Diagram of communication System /Model
  4. Elements of Data Communication/Transmission
  5. Simplex, Half duplex and Full duplex communication mode
  6. Concept of LAN and WAN
  7. Transmission Medium: Guided and Unguided
  8. Transmission impairments terminology (Jitter, Singing, Echo, Crosstalk, Distortion, Noise, Bandwidth, Number of receivers)
  9. Basic concept of Networks Architecture: Client- Server and Peer-to-peer
  10. Some Basic Terms and Tool Used in Computer Network: IP Address, Sub Net Mask and Gateway, MAC address, Internet, Intranet, Extranet
  11. Network Tool: Packet tracer, Remote Login
  12. Network Connecting Devices: NIC, Modem, router, switch
  13. Network Topologies: Bus, Ring and star topology
  14. Basic Concept OSI Reference Model
  15. Internet Protocol Addressing

Web Technology II (12 Hours)

  1. Introduction
  2. Server side and Client Side Scripting
  3. Introduction of internet technology
  4. Adding Java script to HTML page
  5. Java script fundamental
  6. Java Script Data types
  7. Variables and operators
  8. Functions and control structure if-else, if-else- if, switch-case, for, while, do while loop
  9. Object based programming with Java Script and Event handling
  10. Image, event and form objects
  11. Form validation, JQuery
  12. Server Side Scripting using PHP
  13. Introduction to PHP: Hardware and Software Requirements
  14. Object oriented programming with server side scripting
  15. Basic PHP syntax
  16. PHP data types
  17. Basic Programming in PHP
  18. Operators (Arithmetic, logical, comparison, operator precedence)
  19. Variables Manipulation
  20. Database Connectivity
  21. Connecting server side script to database
  22. Making SQL queries
  23. Fetching data sets getting data about data
  24. Creating SQL database with server side scripting
  25. Displaying queries in tables

Programming in C (12 Hours)

  1. Review of C programming concept
  2. Functions
  3. Concept of library and user defined functions and advantages
  4. Function definition, prototype, call and return statements
  5. Accessing a Function by passing values
  6. Concept of storage: automatic and external
  7. Concept of Recursion: factorial and Fibonacci problems
  8. Structures and Unions
  9. Structure: Definition, Declaration, Initialization and Size of Structure.
  10. Accessing member of structure
  11. Array of structure
  12. Union: Definition, Declaration
  13. Difference between union and structure.
  14. Pointers
  15. Definition of Pointer
  16. Address (&) and indirection (*) operator
  17. Pointer Expression and Assignment
  18. Call by values and call by reference
  19. Working with Files
  20. Concept of Data File
  21. Sequential and Random File
  22. File manipulation function: putw, getw, putc, getc, fscanf, fprintf
  23. Opening, Reading, Writing and Appending data file

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) (10 Hours)

  1. Programming paradigms: procedural, structural and object oriented
  2. Features of OOP: Class, Object, Polymorphism and Inheritance
  3. Advantages of OOP
  4. Application of OOP

Software Process Model (10 Hours)

  1. Software Project Concept
  2. Concept of software development process
  3. Concept SDLC life cycle
  4. System Analyst Vs Software Engineer
  5. Requirement Collection Methods
  6. Concept of system design
  7. Software and quality
  8. Software development model: waterfall, prototype, agile

Recent Trends in Technology (9 Hours)

  1. Concept of Artificial Intelligence(AI)and Robotics
  2. Concept of Cloud Computing
  3. Concept of Big Data
  4. Concept of Virtual Reality
  5. Concept of e-com, e-medicine, e-gov.
  6. Concept of Mobile Computing
  7. Concept of Internet of things(IoT)